ATM - Paradigm Water Conditioner 118 ml
The only all natural water conditioner on the market is Paradigm. As we move into the future of aquarium keeping, a premium is set on all natural solutions. ATM’s Paradigm is an innovation in dechlorinating, utilizing Vitamin C instead of chemicals.
Water conditioning is one of the remedial maintenance functions of any aquarium, therefore it is best to keep it as simple as possible. Strong industrial chemicals and reducing agents can only complicate the process by affecting the performance of test kits and, in extreme cases, depleting oxygen. The beauty of water conditioning by natural means is that it carries with it not risk, but additional benefit.
All Natural Vitamin C Formula Neutralizes Chlorine And Chloramines Instantly
Boosts Immune System
Vitamin E Promotes Natural Healing
Replaces Slime Coat Reducing Stress
Immune System Boost
Paradigm becomes invaluable to transporting fish due to the immune system boosting powers of Vitamin C. As fish begin to stress it is important to reinforce their