JBL Pro Scan Analysis Smartphone Testing Kit
Water analysis using your smartphone - the new generation
Note: The test strips are only intended for one measurement each. A repeated scan of the strip leads to different values, since the strip goes on reacting indefinitely.
During the analyses "Aquarium Freshwater" and "Water" the current CO2 content in the water is calculated as an additional bonus. Depending on the analysis results in the sections “Aquarium Freshwater” and “Garden Pond” individualised recommendations and hints are given as to which JBL products can help to set the ideal/optimal water values.
How accurate is this measurement method?
Since smartphones provide an automatic white balance, the colour reading is more accurate than if we compare colours with our eyes! If the test is performed correctly, the result is absolutely reliable. With the nitrite result, experience shows that an additional drop test measurement (with JBL PROAQUATEST NO2 Nitrite) is a good idea if the JBL ProScan result does NOT show 0, as this value needs to be 100%